
  • Ph.D. in Forestry (Environmental Psychology and GIS), University of British Columbia (2011)
    • Visiting Scholar at Brazilian Federal Universities of Viçosa & Minas Gerais, Forest Engineering & Geosciences (2008 and 2010)
  • M.Sc. in Forestry (Geographical Information Systems), University of British Columbia (2007)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science, Cum Laude, Pacific Lutheran University (2002)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Cum Laude, Pacific Lutheran University (2002)

Recent Awards

  1. Fulbright US Scholar in Portugal, Foundation for Science and Technology (2024-2025).
  2. College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, Utah State University, Researcher of the Year (2023-2024).
  3. Scientific Excellence (top paper) for Publication in Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture (2023).
  4. Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, Spirit of ’39 Award (2022-2023)
  5. Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Faculty Researcher of the Year (2022-2023)
  6. Excellence in Research or Creative Work, Junior Level, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, USA (2023).
  7. Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Faculty Researcher of the Year (2021-2022)
  8. Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Faculty Mentor of the Year (2021-2022)
  9. Scientific Excellence (top paper) for Publication in Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture (2022).
  10. Scientific Excellence (top paper) for Publication in Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture (2020).


  1. Chamberlain, B. and Fiore, S. (2024-2026). Re-conceptualizing Context for Critical Transdisciplinary Research ($887,000). US Army Research Office.
  2. Chamberlain, B. and Singleton, P. (2023-2025) Real-Time Assessment of Transportation Systems after Adverse Weather. Utah Department of Transportation ($50,000), Utah Department of Transportation, UTRAC Aeronautics Division.
  3. Chamberlain, B., Christensen, K. and Qi, X. (2023-2025) Improving Transportation Accessibility for People with Disabilities Using AI. Utah Department of Transportation ($50,000), Utah Department of Transportation, UTRAC Aeronautics Division.
  4. Chamberlain, B. (2023-2024). Vertiport Systems Integration and Location Assessment. Utah Department of Transportation ($50,000), Utah Department of Transportation, UTRAC Aeronautics Division.
  5. Chamberlain, B., Christensen, K., Xiaojun, Q., Song, Z., Froehlich, J. with Eisenberg, Y., Shanley, J. and Sheen, J (2023-2024). NSF Convergence Accelerator Track (H): Automating Transportation Affordances for People Living with Disabilities Using a Machine Learning Approach. ($750,000). National Science Foundation (NSF #2236277, LINK).
  6. Chamberlain, B., Null, S., Chikamoto, Y. and Johnson, J. (2022-2023) Planning: SCC-CIVIC-PG Track A: Securing the Future of the Great Salt Lake Basin Through Effective Water and Land Use Partnerships. ($50,000) National Science Foundation (NSF #2228718, LINK).
  7. Chamberlain, B. (2022-2023). Feasibility of UAM Vertiport Land Use and Location Planning. Utah Department of Transportation ($50,000), Utah Department of Transportation, UTRAC Aeronautics Division.
  8. Christensen, K. (PI), Co-PIs Alphabetically: Chamberlain, B., Licon, C., Park, K., Sheen, J., Song Z. (2019-2024), A Socio-Ecologic Framework Supporting Individuals with Disabilities’ Community Living and Participation ($2,500,000). National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, Research (NIDILRR); Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (Award: 90DPCP0004)
  9. Chamberlain, B. (PI), Creem-Regher, S. and Stefanucci, J. (2020-2023) Assessing Spatial Memory Gist and Situational Awareness in Complex Environments ($800,000). US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (Award: W911NF2010291).
  10. Chamberlain, B. (PI), Park, K. (2020-2021) Long-Range Urban Air Mobility Land-Use Planning for Vertiports ($30,000). Utah Department of Transportation, UTRAC Aeronautics Division
  11. Wilhelmi, O. (PI), Demuth, J., Lazrus, H., Chamberlain, B., Gambill, J. (2019-2021) An Analysis of the Integration of Place Attachment into Visualizations of Hurricane Storm Surge Threats ($400,000). National Science Foundation (NSF #1853699, LINK).
  12. Chamberlain, B. (PI). (2017-2018) Early Career: Investigating the Influence of Wayfinding Interventions on Spatial Memory ($224,000). US Department of Defense, US Army Research Institute Foundational Sciences, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences. (Award: W911NF-17-1-0280)
  1. Chamberlain, B., Johnson, J., Taylor, J., Null, S. (2023-2024). Formalizing Threats and Linkages of Land and Water Use within the Great Salt Lake Basin. USU Institute for Land, Water Air Impact Grant ($15,000).
  2. Chamberlain, B. (PI), Park, K. (2021) Evaluating the Efficacy of Drones to Monitor and Assess Forest Service Trail Conditions ($9,240). Utah Public Lands Initiative Grant.
  3. Reeve, J. (PI) , Caplan, A., Kim, M., MacAdam, J., Dyreson, C. and Chamberlain, B. (2018) Scenario Analysis of Ecosystem Services of Agricultural Land along the Wasatch Front, Utah. ($53,000) Utah State Agricultural Experiment Station, Seed Grant.
  4. Chamberlain, B. (PI). (2016) Geospatial Methods and Analysis for Planners. Kansas State University Global Campus Distance Learning ($9,433).
  5. Chamberlain, B. (PI), Wesch, M., Hahn, H., Bean, N. and The Beach Museum. (2016) Aesthesia: The future of immersive technologies for science, storytelling, design and gaming. Kansas State University Academic Excellence Award ($6,000).
  6. Moore (PI), Bergtold, J. and Chamberlain, B. (2016) Water management across the rural-urban Interface: an interdisciplinary, integrative systems model. Kansas State University Water Seed Grant Program to stimulate interdisciplinary research ($11,250).
  7. Chamberlain, B. (PI) with students in LAR704 course. (2015) The Bus and Us. Kansas State University Green Action Fund ($5,000).
  8. Chamberlain, B. (PI) and Winslow, W. (2015) Hyperspectral Analysis of Tree Foliage to Determine Species and Diseased Tree Populations. Kansas State University Small Research Grant ($2,500 with matching support from State Forestry Department).
  9. Chamberlain, B. (PI). (2014) Developing a Distributable Viewshed Analysis Tool to Promote Improved Landscape Planning. Kansas State University, University Small Research Grant ($6,000).

Refereed Articles

  1. Evans, D. and Chamberlain, B. In Pursuit of Eye Tracking for Visual Landscape Assessments. Land 13(8), pp 1184. (LINK).
  2. Caplan, A. J., Woods, T., Chamberlain, B., & Klain, S. (2024). Measuring heterogeneous preferences for the preservation of prime farmland with and without agrivoltaics. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1–30. (LINK)
  3. Schalbetter, L. Keller, N., Evans, D., Chamberlain, B., Hayek, U.W., & Gret-Regamey, A. (2024). Eye Tracking in VR to Analyse Physiological Responses to Peri-urban Landscape Elements. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 9. Pp 482-489. (LINK)
  4. George, B., Chamberlain, B., Fernberg, P. (2024). Assessing the Value of Artificial Intelligence in Plant Selection. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 9. Pp 277-284. (LINK)
  5. Khosravi, H., Abrishami, M., Mehrian, M. R., & Chamberlain, B. (2024). The positive impact of transit-oriented-development characteristics on Metro Station usage: A case study of Tehran’s metro stations and TOD index calculation. Cities, 148, 104840. (LINK)
  6. Wilhelmi, O., Chamberlain, B., Morss, R., Demuth, J. Walpole, H., Boehnert, J., Gambill, J., Lazrus, H., Dobson, J. (2023). Integrating Place and Sense of Place into Geovisualizations of Hurricane Storm Surge Risk. Weather, Climate and Society. (LINK).
  7. Minchu Kulkarni, Chu Li, Jaye Ahn, Katrina Ma, Zhihan Zhang, Michael Saugstad, Yochai Eisenberg, Valerie Novack, Brent Chamberlain, Jon E. Froehlich. 2023. BusStopCV: A Real-time AI Assistant for Labeling Bus Stop Accessibility Features in Streetscape Imagery. In The 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS ’23), October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages. (LINK)
  8. Fernberg, P., Chamberlain, B. (2023) Artificial Intelligence in Landscape Architecture: A Literature Review. Landscape Journal, Special Issue (42) 1. (LINK).
  9. Chamberlain, B., Johnson, S. , Spencer, C., Evans, D., Fernberg, P., Tighe, E., Saxon, M., Creem-Regehr, S., Stefanucci, J. (2023). Visualizing and Clustering Eye Tracking within 3D Virtual Environments. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture (8) 2023. (LINK)
  10. Fernberg, P., George, B., Chamberlain, B. (2023). Producing 2D Asset Libraries with AI-powered Image Generators. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture (8) 2023. Scientific Excellence, Best Paper Award. (LINK)
  11. Evans, D., Johnson, S., Chamberlain, B. (2023). Transferring Spatial Data from Unity To ArcGIS. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture (8) 2023. (LINK)
  12. Abrishami, M., Chamberlain, B. (2023). Comparing Transportation Metrics to Measure Accessibility to Community Amenities. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture (8) 2023. (LINK).
  13. Chamberlain, B., Hoffman, R., Smardon, R. (2023). Editorial: Selected Papers from 2019 and 2021 the Visual Resource Stewardship Conferences. Land 2022, 12(2). (LINK)
  14. Nesbitt, L., Meitner, M., Chamberlain, B., Gonzalez, J. Trousdale, W. (in press, available online). Accurate and accessible participatory planning: A comparison of value-weight-elicitation methods. Journal of Planning Education and Research. (LINK).
  15. Chamberlain, B., Fernberg, P., Evans, D., Johnson, S., Spencer, C., Creem-Regehr, S., Stefanucci, J. (2022). Rapidly Generating Realistic Virtual Environment Contexts. ISMAR Workshop 2022, Singapore.
  16. Openshaw, G. and Chamberlain, B. (2022). Optimizing Viewpoint Selection for Route-based Experiences: assessing the role of viewpoints on viewshed accuracy. LAND: Special Issue Selected Papers from Visual Resource Stewardship Conferences 2019 and 2021 (LINK)
  17. Fox, N., Chamberlain, B., Lundquist, M., Van Berkel, D. (2022) Understanding landscape aesthetics using a novel viewshed assessment of social media locations within the Troodos UNESCO Global Geopark. Frontiers in Environmental Science. (LINK)
  18. Fernberg, P., Tighe, E., Saxon, M., Spencer, C., Johnson, S., Stefanucci, J., Creem-Regehr, S., and Chamberlain, B. (2022). Measuring Perception of Urban Design Elements in Virtual Environments Using Eye Tracking: Benefits and Challenges. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture. (LINK) Scientific Excellence, Best Paper Award.
  19. Park, K., Chamberlain, B., Song, Z., Esfahani, H., Sheen, J., Larsen, T., Novack, V., Licon, C., Christensen, K. (2022). A double jeopardy: COVID-19 impacts on the travel behavior and community living of people with disabilities. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Special Issue COVID-19.
  20. Brown, K. and Chamberlain, B. (2021). A Healthy Design: Transdisciplinary collaboration of nutrition and landscape architecture courses. NACTA Journal.
  21. Openshaw, G. and Chamberlain, B. (2022). Optimizing Viewpoint Selection for Route Based Experiences: Finding a threshold between sampling rate and model accuracy. In Proceedings of Visual Resource Stewardship 2021: pp 12, url:
  22. Fernberg, P., Sturla, P., Chamberlain, B. (2021) Pursuing an AI Ontology for Landscape Architecture. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 6-2021.
  23. Chamberlain, B.C. and Cook, F. (2020). An Empirical Assessment of the ArcPro Visual Magnitude Viewshed Plugin. In Proceedings of Visual Resource Stewardship 2020.
  24. Hahn, H. and Chamberlain, B.C. (2020) A Pedagogical Retrospective: Gamifying the Konza Prairie through an Interdisciplinary Studio. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 5-2020. (LINK) Best Paper Award.
  25. DePreist, A.J., Keane, T.D., Chamberlain, B.C. and Lundquist, M. (2020) Visualization Tools for Visual Impact Assessments: A study of existing technologies. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 5-2020. (LINK)
  26. Yates, H., Chamberlain, B., Hsu, W. (2020) Binary Classification of Arousal in Built Environments Using Machine Learning. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Affective Computing July 2018 (Vol 86 – made available April 2020 due to publisher delays).
  27. Chamberlain, B.C. (2019) Assessing Collective Spatial Situational Awareness in Real-Time Using Virtual Environments. Proceedings of Collective Spatial Cognition. April, 2019. Santa Barbara, CA.
  28. Bruns, C. and Chamberlain, B.C. (2019) The Influence of Landmarks and Urban Form on Cognitive Maps Using Virtual Reality. Landscape and Urban Planning (189), 296-306. (LINK)
  29. Liu, A., Chamberlain, B.C., Kozak, R., Meitner, M., Nesbitt ,L. (2018) Aesthetic Evaluations of Harvest Blocks. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 33(8), 739-799, (LINK)
  30. Bajracharya, S., Carenini, G, Chamberlain, B.C., Chen, K., Klein, D., Poole, D., Taheri, H., and Öberg, G. (2018) Interactive Visualization for Group Decision-Analysis. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 17(06), 1839-1864. (LINK)
  31. Yates, H., Chamberlain, B.C., & Hsu, W. (2017) A Spatially Explicit Classification Model for Affective Computing in Built Environments. Proceedings of the 7th AAAC International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshop (ACIIW 2017) Workshops and Demos, San Antonio, TX, USA, October 23-26, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ACIIW.2017.8272597.
  32. Yates, H., Chamberlain, B.C., Norman, G., and Hsu, W. (2017) Proceedings of IJCAI 2017 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Affective Computing, PMLR 66:58-72, 2017.
  33. Chamberlain, B.C., Liu, R., Canfield, J. (2016) Using 3D Visualizations to Investigate Perceptions of Streetscape Design. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture. 2016: pp 84-91.
  34. Chamberlain, B.C., Meitner, M., Ballinger, R. (2015) Applications of Visual Magnitude in Forest Planning: A Case Study. Forestry Chronicle. 91(4), 417-425.
  35. Chamberlain, B.C. (2015) Crash Course or Course Crash: gaming, VR and a pedagogical approach. In Proceedings of Digital Landscape Architecture 2015. Anhalt University of Applied Sciences. Bernburg, Germany, June 4-6.
  36. Chamberlain, B., Smith, N., Vulliamy, M., Lees, E. (2014) Developing the Gap Analysis Tool for Outdoor Recreation: A Case Study in Vancouver, Canada. In Proceedings of Digital Landscape Architecture 2014. Wissen Hayek, U., Fricker, P. & Buhmann, E. (Eds.). Herbert Wichmann Verlag, VDE VERLAG GMBH, Berlin/Offenbach. ISBN 978-3-87907-530-0.
  37. Chamberlain, B., Carenini, G., Öberg, G., Poole, D., Taheri, H. (2014) A Decision Support System for the Automation and Evaluation of Sustainable Wastewater Solutions. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 63(1):129-141. DOI: 10.1109/TC.2013.140 (IF 3.131)
  38. Chamberlain, B. and Meitner, M. (2013) A route-based visibility analysis for landscape management. Landscape and Urban Planning, 111, pp 13-24. (IF 5.144)
  39. Chamberlain, B. and Meitner, M. (2012) Quantifying the Effects of Harvest Block Design on Individual Preferences. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42(12), pp. 1-12. (IF 1.703)
  40. Chamberlain, B. and Meitner, M. (2009) Automating Harvest Design for Visual Resource Management. Landscape and Urban Planning, 90 (1-2), pp 86-94. (IF 5.144)
  41. Chung, S., Chamberlain, B., and Jeon, S.M. (2002) Modeling an eBusiness System using Java and Open Source Technologies: The First Step of case-Based reasoning for Software Design. Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks. Volume 12. ANNIE 2002. New York, NY: ASME Press. 1033-1038.

Non-Refereed Articles

  1. Chamberlain, B., Smardon, R. (2024). Overview for Exploring the Multisensory Landscape in Exploring Multisensory Landscapes: 2023 Visual Resource Stewardship Conference. Land 2024. (LINK)
  2. Chamberlain, B., Hoffman, R., Smardon, R. (2023). Editorial: Selected Papers from 2019 and 2021 the Visual Resource Stewardship Conferences. Land 2022, 12(2). (LINK)
  3. Fernberg, P. and Chamberlain, B. (2021). I, Designer? The Soul of Landscape Architecture in the Age of AI. Landscape Architecture Magazine. August 2021.
  4. Chamberlain, B. and Meitner, M. (2012). New Geographical Information Systems tools for Scenery Management. In Proceedings of National Association of Environmental Professionals, Visual Resource Track. Portland, OR., May 2012. [Abstract Submission Refereed]
  5. Chamberlain, B. (2010). Towards more aesthetic forestry. Branchlines, 20 (2).
  6. Qin, X.; Meitner, M.; Chamberlain, B. and Zhang, X. (2008). Developing scenic highway design guidelines using GIS and landscape visualizations. ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, Aug., 2008. ESRI Press Redlands.
  7. Ribeiro, C.; Meitner, M.; Chamberlain, B. and Soares, V.P. (2007). Delimitacao automatica de apps: Uma verdade inconveniente. In Proceedings, 12th Brazilian Conference on Environmental Law, May 2007, Sao Paulo, Brazil., pp. 43-52.
  8. Meitner, M.J.; Gonzales, J.; Chamberlain, B. and Gandy, R. (2006). Visualizing management responses to the pine beetle epidemic in BC. ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, Aug., 2006. ESRI Press Redlands.
  9. Chamberlain, B.; Meitner, M. and Gandy, R. (2005). Visualizing International Deforestation Trajectories Using ArcGIS. ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, July, 2005. ESRI Press. Redlands.

Books and Book Chapters

  1. Tian, L. Oviatt, S., Muszynski, M., Chamberlain, B., Healey, J. (2021). Applied Affective Computing. Springer. Chapter 10: Affective Computing in the Built Environment (Chamberlain sole author).
  2. Tian, L. Oviatt, S., Muszynski, M., Chamberlain, B., Healey, J. (2021). Applied Affective Computing. Springer. Chapter 7: Synthesizing Natural and Believable Emotional Expressions (Chamberlain sole author).
  3. Condia, B., Arbib, M., Ellard, C., Chamberlain, B. and Rooney, K. (2020). “Meaning in Architecture: Affordances, Atmosphere and Mood”. NPP eBooks. 33. (LINK)
  4. Yates, H., Chamberlain, B., Baldwin, W., Hsu, W., Vanlandingham, D. (2019). Assessing Animal Emotion and Behavior Using Mobile Sensors and Affective Computing in Emerging Trends and Applications in Cognitive Computing, 49-77. IGI Global. (LINK)

Conference Presentations

  1. Schalbetter, L., Hayek, U.W., Evans, D., Chamberlain, B. and Gret-Regamey, A. (2024) Using 3D Point Cloud-Based VR-Landscapes to study the role of landscape elements on perception and physiology. International Conference on Spatial Cognition. Rome, Italy, September 2024.
  2. Evans, D., Chamberlain, B., Stefanucci, J. and Creem-Regehr, S. (2024). Differences in gaze transition frequencies across spatial gist boundaries. International Conference on Spatial Cognition. Rome, Italy, September 2024.
  3. George, B., Chamberlain, B., Fernberg, P., Gardner, P. (2024). Assessing the Value of Artificial Intelligence in Plant Selection. Digital Landscape Architecture Conference, Vienna, Austria. June 2024 (cross reference with paper).
  4. Schalbetter, L. Keller, N., Evans, D., Chamberlain, B., Hayek, U.W., & Gret-Regamey, A. (2024). Eye Tracking in VR to Analyse Physiological Responses to Peri-urban Landscape Elements. Digital Landscape Architecture Converence, Vienna, Austria, June 2024 (cross reference with paper)
  5. Derengowski, S., Chamberlain, B. and Mosqueda, C. (2024). AAM Applications, Vertiport Planning and Urban Considerations. Utah Aeronautics Conference. Layton, UT.
  6. Abrishami, M., Chamberlain, B. Exploring the Impact of Urban Amenity Accessibility on Social Satisfaction Among Individuals with Disabilities. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, St. Louis, MO. March 2024.
  7. Eisenberg, Y., Shanley, J, Zivarts, A., Chamberlain, B., Christensen, K., Froehlich, J., Abrishami, M. At the Intersection of Disability Justice, Pedestrian Safety, and Health. Workshop, TRB 103rd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. January 2024.
  8. Chamberlain, B., Evans, D., Openshaw, G. (2023). Using GRAVIA to Predict Visual Quality of Highway. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference 2023. Argonne National Laboratory. November 2023.
  9. Lee, D. and Chamberlain, B. (2023). Urban Green Space Insights: A Review of Visibility Measurements and GIS-Based Tools. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference 2023. Argonne National Laboratory. November 2023.
  10. Chamberlain, B., Evans, D., Openshaw, G. Eye-Tracking to Support Validation of Visual Impact Assessments. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference 2023. Argonne National Laboratory. November 2023.

  11. Abrishami, M., Chamberlain, B. Investigating the Relationship Between Greenspace Exposure and People living with Disabilities. Association of collegiate school of Planning, Chicago, IL. October 2023.
  12. Li, C. Jungmin J. A., Ma, K.O.Y., Zhang, Z., Saugstad, M., Wu, K., Eisenberg, Y., Novack, V., Chamberlain, B. and Froehlich, J.E. (2023). BusStopCV: A Real-time AI Assistant for Labeling Bus Stop Accessibility Features in Streetscape Imagery. In Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 91, 1–6. (Cross reference with paper)
  13. Chamberlain, B., Vertiports: Opportunities and Challenges (2023). Utah Aeronautics Conference. Layton, Utah, June 20, 2023.

  14. Chamberlain, B., Johnson, S. , Spencer, C., Evans, D., Fernberg, P., Tighe, E., Saxon, M., Creem-Regehr, S., Stefanucci, J. (2023). Visualizing and Clustering Eye Tracking within 3D Virtual Environments. Digital Landscape Architecture Conference, Dessau, Germany. Jun 2023 (cross reference with paper).
  15. Fernberg, P., George, B., Chamberlain, B. (2023). Producing 2D Asset Libraries with AI-powered Image Generators. Digital Landscape Architecture Conference, Dessau, Germany. Jun 2023 (cross reference with paper).
  16. Evans, D., Johnson, S., Chamberlain, B. (2023). Transferring Spatial Data from Unity To ArcGIS. Digital Landscape Architecture Conference, Dessau, Germany. Jun 2023 (cross reference with paper).
  17. Abrishami, M., Chamberlain, B. (2023). Comparing Transportation Metrics to Measure Accessibility to Community Amenities. Digital Landscape Architecture Conference, Dessau, Germany. Jun 2023 (cross reference with paper).
  18. LaFavers, M., Johnson, S., Evans, D., Tighe, E., Spencer, C., Creem-Regehr, S., Stefanucci, J., Chamberlain, B. (2023). Gaze Behavior and Speed While Detecting Changes in Spatial Gist in a Virtual Environment. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL May 2023.
  19. Evans, D., Fernberg, P., Johnson, S., Spencer, C. and Chamberlain, B. (2023) Development & Analysis of Virtual Complex Urban Environments. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. San Antonio, TX. March 2023.
  20. Chamberlain, B., Openshaw, G., Evans, D. and Abrishmi, M. (2023). Predicting Scenic Highway Drives with an Advanced Viewshed (GRAVIA). Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. San Antonio, TX. March 2023.
  21. Bahr, C., Fernberg, P. and Chamberlain, B. (2023). ASLA Award Precedents. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. San Antonio, TX. March 2023.
  22. Fernberg, P., George, B. and Chamberlain, B. (2023). Entourage Automaton: Making 2D Visual Assets with AI Image Generators. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. San Antonio, TX. March 2023.
  23. Wilhelmi, O., Chamberlain, B. et al. (2022). Mapping sense of place for storm surge: map features and sense of place in storm surge risk perceptions and protective actions. Society for Risk Analysis 2022, Tampa Florida, Dec 4-8.
  24. Tighe, E., Saxon, M. Fernberg, P., Spencer, C., Johnson, S., Creem-Regehr, S., Stefanucci, J. and Chamberlain, B. (2022). Detecting Spatial Gist While Locomoting in an Immersive Virtual Environment: The role of speed of travel and urban design. Presented as Poster. Boston, MA. November, 2022.
  25. Novack, V., Licon, C., Christensen , K., Sheen, J., Chamberlain, B., Park, K. and Song, Z. (2022). Planning for Disability Inclusion: Assessing Plans. 2022 ACSP 62nd Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada. November 2022.
  26. Abrishami, M., Chamberlain, B., Novack, V., Park, K., Song, Z., Saeedian, P., Johnson, S., Christensen, K. (2002). Measures of built environment and relationship to social satisfaction. 2022 ACSP 62nd Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada. November 2022.
  27. (Alphabetical) Benninghoff, A., Chamberlain, B., Rutigliano, H., Vargis, E. (2022). Advancing Mentoring in Research. Empowering Teaching Excellence (ETE) Conference. Utah State University. Logan, UT.
  28. Fernberg, P., Tighe, E., Saxon, M., Spencer, C., Johnson, S., Stefanucci, J., Creem-Regehr, S., and Chamberlain, B. (2022). Measuring Perception of Urban Design Elements in Virtual Environments Using Eye Tracking: Benefits and Challenges. Digital Landscape Architecture 2022. GSD, Boston, MA. June. See cross reference with paper in DLA journal.
  29. Tighe, E. E., Saxon, M. A., Fernberg, P., Spencer, C. N., Johnson, S. I., Creem-Regher, S. H., Stefanucci, J. K., Chamberlain, B. (2022). A spatial gist phenomenon while locomoting in an immersive virtual environment [Poster presentation]. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach, FL, May 2022.
  30. Fernberg, P., Chamberlain, B. (2022). def designer(): AI and the Future of Landscape Architecture. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. March, 2022. Albuquerque, NM.
  31. Lee, D.H., Openshaw, G., Chamberlain, B. (2022). Route Based Study on the Significance of Viewpoint Samplings: Finding a Threshold Between Sampling Rate and Model Accuracy in Urban Environments. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. March, 2022. Albuquerque, NM.
  32. Hall, K., Chamberlain, B., Park, K. (2022). Public Perception of Vertiports: A novel land use and our values. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. March, 2022. Albuquerque, NM.
  33. Johnson, S., Chamberlain, B., Park, K., Larsen, T., Novack, J., Sheen. Licon, C., Song, Z. and Christensen, K. The Role of Place Types on Social Satisfaction as Influenced by COVID-19 and Disability. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. March, 2022. Albuquerque, NM.
  34. Hall, K., Chamberlain, B.C., Public Perception of UAS and Vertiports for Residential Package Delivery in the Wasatch Front, Utah. Transportation Review Board 2022. Washington, D.C. January 2022.
  35. Saxon, M. A., Nunley, B., Klemser, B. H., Fernberg, P., Creem-Regehr, S. H., Stefanucci, J. K., & Chamberlain, B. (2021, November 4-7). The effect of landmarks on learning the gist of spaces [Poster presentation]. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Virtual.
  36. Chamberlain, B., Park, K., Larsen, T., Sheen, J., Novack, V., Johnson, S., Licon, C., Song, Z., Christensen, K. (2021). Building the Relationship Between Land Use and Social Satisfaction: A COVID-19 Study. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. October 2021.
  37. Chamberlain, B. and Openshaw, G. Conducting Viewshed Assessments with the ArcGIS Visual Magnitude Plugin. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference 2021. Virtual. October 20, 2021.
  38. Hall, K., Chamberlain, B., Park, K. (2021)., Building a Framework and Geospatial Model for the Integration of Vertiports into Land-Use Planning. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. October 2021.
  39. Park, K., Chamberlain, B., Song, Z., Nasr-Isfahani, H., Sheen, J., Larsen, T., Novack, V., Licon, C., Christensen, K. (2021). Building the Relationship Between Land Use and Social Satisfaction: A Double Jeopardy: COVID-19 impacts on people with disabilities’ travel behavior and community living. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. October 2021.
  40. Chamberlain, B., Christensen, K., Larsen, T., Licon, C., Novack, V., Park, K., Sheen, J., Song, Z. (2021). Community Development Policy Supporting Individuals with Disabilities’ Active Living. American Public Health Association Conference. October 2021.
  41. Chamberlain, B., Creem-Regehr, S., Stefanucci, J., Abusham, M., Saxon, M., Fernberg, F., Garett, B. (2021). New Metrics and Analytical Tools for Measuring Spatial Memory. International Conference on Spatial Cognition. September 2021.
  42. Saxon, M., Fernberg, F., Creem-Regehr, S., Stefanucci, J. and Chamberlain, B. (2021). Individual Differences in Spatial Memory for a Large-Scale Virtual Environment. In Symposium: Navigation and environment representation: personality and individual differences. International Conference on Spatial Cognition. September 2021.
  43. Chamberlain, B., Park, K., Song, Z., Nast-Isfahani, H., Sheen, J., Larsen, T., Novack, V., Licon, C., Johnson, S., Christensen, K. (2021). With Or Without Disabilities: Comparing the Effects of COVID-19 and the Implications for Community Planning. International Conference on Urban Health July, 2021
  44. Fernberg, P., Sturla, P., Chamberlain, B. (2021). Pursuing an AI Ontology for Landscape Architecture. Digital Landscape Architecture 2021 (remote presentation, see cross listed peer-review paper).
  45. Wilhelmi, O., Morss, R., Chamberlain, B., Boehnert, J., Demuth, J., Lazrus, H., Gambill, J., Dobson, G., Mezzanatto, D. (2021). Integrating Sense of Place into Geovisualizations of Hurricane Storm Surge. AAG Annual Meeting, April 9, 2021.
  46. Fernberg, P., Chamberlain, B., Howard, C., Simrayh, S., Jenson, D. (2021). Spatial Memory Gist: Assessing Imageability in Immersive Virtual Environments. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. March, 2021. Virtual Conference
  47. Chamberlain, B.C. (2020). A Pedagogical Retrospective: Gamifying the Konza Prairie through an Interdisciplinary Studio. Digital Landscape Architecture 2020 (remote presentation, see cross listed peer-reviewed paper).
  48. Chamberlain, B.C. (2020). Visualization Tools for Visual Impact Assessments: A study of existing technologies. Digital Landscape Architecture 2020 (remote presentation, see cross listed peer-reviewed paper).
  49. Whaley, A., Reeve, J. and Chamberlain, B.C. (2020). Determining Agricultural Land Use Change and Evaluating Ecosystem Services in the Wasatch Range Metropolitan Area, Utah IALE-NA Quebec, Canada, May, 2020 (remote presentation).
  50. Chamberlain, B.C., Johnson, T. and (students alphabetically): Anglesey, J., Karamesines, S., Leschofs, N., Merrell, R., Painter, A., Smith, L., Theobald, A., Wenger, L. (2020). Wasatch Front Planning 2050: Growth Meets Hazard. International Geodesign Collaboration 2020. Redlands, CA. February, 2020. (cross listed with poster)
  51. Chamberlain, B.C. and Cook. F. (2019). An Empirical Assessment of the ArcPro Visual Magnitude Viewshed Plugin. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference: Seeking 20/20 Vision for Landscape Futures. Argonne National Laboratory. October 2019.
  52. Chamberlain, B.C. and Cook. F. (2019). Conducting Viewshed Assessments with the ArcGIS Visual Magnitude Plugin. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference: Seeking 20/20 Vision for Landscape Futures. Argonne National Laboratory. October 2019.
  53. Woods, T., Blisner, A., Mann, E. Chamberlain, B.C., Licon, C. (2019). Municipal Tree Planting: A Strategy for Carbon Sequestration and for Creating a Resilient Region.
    Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. October 2019, Greenville, SC.
  54. Chamberlain, B.C. (2019). Assessing Collective Spatial Situational Awareness in Real-Time Using Virtual Environments. Collective Spatial Cognition. April, 2019. Santa Barbara, CA. (see cross listed peer-reviewed paper).
  55. Chamberlain, B.C and Bruns, C. (2019). Landmark Configuration Planning: the influence on navigation and wayfinding. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. March, 2019. Sacramento, CA.
  56. Hahn, H. and Chamberlain, B.C. (2019). Konza Studio: A Pedagogical Retrospective. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. March, 2019. Sacramento, CA.
  57. Chamberlain, B.C. and Bruns, C. (2018). An Evaluation and Comparison of Spatial Memory Assessments. 59th Annual Meeting of Psychonomics, New Orleans, November 15-18.
  58. Chamberlain, B.C. and Bruns, C. (2018). Cue the space: the role of landmarks and navigational aids in spatial memory and recall. ICSC 2018 – 7th International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rome, Italy, September 2018 (co-convenor for symposium with Francine Dolins and Mark Lindquist – University of Michigan)
  59. Chamberlain, B.C., Whitaker, T., Yates, H., Hsu, W. and Ruskamp, P. (2018). Measuring Urban Health and Environmental Affect Using Mobile Sensors. Environmental Design Research Association, Oklahoma City, OK, June 2018.
  60. Chamberlain, B.C. and Hahn, H. (2018). Virtual Konza Prairie, ASLA Central States, Kansas City, April 2018 (invited session presentation)
  61. Chamberlain, B.C. and Bruns, C. (2018). Designing Spaces in a World of GPS, ASLA Central States, Kansas City, April 2018 (invited session presentation)
  62. Chamberlain, B.C. (2018). The Physio-Affective Built-Environment. Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA). April 17th. Part of a lecture series in Meaning In Architecture: Affordances, Atmosphere and Mood as an ANFA Interfaces
  63. Chamberlain, B.C., & Vallo, L. (2018). Stress Recovery by Exposure to Nature in Virtual Reality. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. Blacksburg, Virginia (March 2018).
  64. Chamberlain, B.C., (2017). Visualizing Landscape Impacts: The development and application of a new spatial analysis tool. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference. Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Ill., November 7-9, 2017.
  65. Yates, H., Chamberlain, B.C., & Hsu, W. (2017). A Spatially Explicit Classification Model for Affective Computing in Built Environments. Proceedings of the 7th AAAC International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2017) Workshops and Demos, San Antonio, TX, USA, October 23-26, 2017. (see associated publication)
  66. Yates, H., Chamberlain, B., Hsu, B. (2017). Arousal Detection using Biometric Data in Built Environments. 1st IJCAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Affective Computing. Melbourne, Australia, August 2017. (see associated publication)
  67. Chamberlain, B., Ruskamp, P. (2017). An Evaluation of the Influence of Nature on Stress and Arousal Using Wearables. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture 2017. Beijing, China, May 2017.
  68. Chamberlain, B. (2017). Immersive Visualization: a conduit for exploring perceptions of the environment. Aesthesia: Showcasing the future of immersive technologies for science, storytelling, design and gaming. K-State Event I coordinated in March 2017.
  69. Chamberlain, B., Yan, Y. (2017). The Public’s Perception of Air Pollution in China. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture 2017. Beijing, China, May 2017.
  70. Chamberlain, B. (2017). Geovisualization of Coastal Climate Change. Association of American Geographers 2017 Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, March 2017.
  71. Chamberlain, B. (2016). Visualization and Simulation for Urban Planning. Kansas American Planning Association. Lawrence, KS, October 2016.
  72. Newmark, G. and Chamberlain, B. (2016). Taxation Policies and Financing Street Maintenance. Kansas American Planning Association. Lawrence, KS, October 2016.
  73. Chamberlain, B.C., Liu, R., Canfield, J. (2016). Using 3D Visualizations to Investigate Perceptions of Streetscape Design. Digital Landscape Architecture 2016. Istanbul, Turkey, May 31-June 2. (see associated publication)
  74. Chamberlain, B. (2016). 3D/4D Visualization, Representation and Photorealism to support scientific exploration and communication. Association of American Geographers 2016 Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, March 2016.
  75. Ruskamp, P. and Chamberlain, B. (2016). Your Environment and You. Association of American Geographers 2016 Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, March 2016.
  76. Chamberlain, B., Hahn, H., Liu, R. Webb, N., Weber, C. Albracht, R. (2016). Landscape Visualization in Gaming Environments. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture 2016. Salt Lake, UT, March 2016.
  77. Chamberlain, B. (with students from LAR 704 Spring), (2015). Little Apple Meets a Big Pickle: Addressing a major increase in public transit ridership. Quad State American Planning Association. Kansas City, MO
  78. Chamberlain, B. (2015). Crash Course or Course Crash: gaming, VR and a pedagogical approach. Digital Landscape Architecture 2015, Dessau, Germany, June 2015 (see associated publication).
  79. Chamberlain, B., Gergel, S., Thomscha, S. (2015).A Spatially Explicit Analysis of Ecosystem Services in Clayoquot Sound, BC. Association of American Geographers 2015 Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, April 2015.
  80. Chamberlain, B., Gergel, S., Thomscha, S. (2015).Mapping Cultural Ecosystem Services and Aesthetics to Inform Landscape Planning Decisions. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture 2015. Manhattan, KS, March 2015.
  81. Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M. (2015). Landscape Planning and the Human Perspective: A visual quality analysis method. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture 2015. Manhattan, KS, March 2015.
  82. Bajracharya, S., Carenini, G., Chamberlain, B., Poole, D., Taheria, H., Öberg, G. (2014). Interactive Visualization for Decision Making in Sewage Management. International Water Association Specialist Conference: Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery. Kathmandu, Nepal, October 2014.
  83. Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M. (2014). A New Visibility Analysis Toolset. ESRI International User’s Conference. San Diego, CA, July 2014.
  84. Chamberlain, B. (2014). Using and Designing a Database. Kansas Association of Mappers 2014 Conference. Manhattan, KS, October 2014.
  85. Chamberlain, B., Smith, N., Vulliamy, M., Lees, E. (2014). Developing the Gap Analysis Tool for Outdoor Recreation: A Case Study in Vancouver, Canada. Digital Landscape Architecture 2015, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2014 (see associated publication).
  86. Lees, E., Smith, N., Chamberlain, B., Vulliamy, M., Sobering, C. (2014). Digital Outdoor Recreation Planning Tool Improves Efficiency and Cross Agency Communication: A Case Study in Metro Vancouver, Canada. Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals 2014 National Outdoor Recreation Conference. San Francisco, CA May 2014.
  87. Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M. (2013). A Planning Tool for Natural Resource Management in Scenic Landscapes. ESRI International User’s Conference. San Diego, CA, July 2013.
  88. Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M. (2012). Comparing Scenic Quality of North American Highway Drives. ESRI International User’s Conference. San Diego, CA, July 2012.
  89. Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M., Lambke, K. (2012). A GIS Tool for Managing Visual Quality in British Columbia. ESRI International User’s Conference. San Diego, CA, July 2012.
  90. Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M., Patrizio, A. (2012). Measuring the Visible Effects of Harvesting: Calculating Percent Alteration. ESRI International User’s Conference. San Diego, CA, July 2012.
  91. Chamberlain, B., Zarei, A., Taheri, H., Poole, D., Carenini, G. and Öberg, G. (2012). Designing Sustainable Wastewater Systems: Generating Design Alternatives. 3rd International Conference on Computational Sustainability, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2012.
  92. Chamberlain, B., Taheri, H., Carenini, G., Poole, D., and Öberg, G. (2012). Designing Sustainable Wastewater Systems: Visual, Interactive Preference Elicitation. 3rd International Conference on Computational Sustainability, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2012.
  93. Meitner, M. & Chamberlain, B., (2012) Visual Magnitude: A New Tool for Visual Landscape Management and Planning. IUFRO Forest for People Conference. Alpbach, Austria, May 2012
  94. Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M. (2012). New Geographical Information Systems tools for Scenery Management. National Association of Environmental Professionals. Portland, OR, May 2012.
  95. Poole, D., Chamberlain, B., Carenini, G. and Öberg, G. (2012) Visualization for complex decision making – with applications in sustainability. Vancouver Institute for Visual Analytics, Face-To-Face VIII, Vancouver, BC, April 26-27, 2012.
  96. Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M. (2011). The Multidimensional Viewshed: A Visualization Technique for Landscape Planning. The 2011 American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, May, 2011. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  97. Öberg, G. Carenini, G., Chamberlain, B., Harris, L., LaValle, A., Taheri, H. (2011). Supporting Communities in the Selection of Suitable Waste Water Alternatives. U21 workshop on Water Reuse, November 29-30, 2011, Singapore
  98. Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M. (2011). Improving the Viewshed Analysis: the human-centric alternative. ESRI International User’s Conference. San Diego, CA, July, 2011.
  99. Chamberlain, B. and Meitner, M. (2011). The Landscape Through Time: a design approach for GIS-based evaluation criteria. 48th International Federation of Landscape Architects World Congress. Zurich, Switzerland, June, 2011.
  100. Chamberlain, B., Ribeiro, C. (2011). Exploring the Implications of Permanent Preservation Areas in Brazil. International Development Research Network Research Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., May, 2011.
  101. Chamberlain, B., Ribeiro, C., and Meitner, M. (2009). Mapping the Amazon Basin Hydrography: An Automated Approach. ESRI International User’s Conference. San Diego, CA.
  102. Chan, K.C., Öberg, G., Anderson, E, Chamberlain, B.C., Empey, E., Evans, C., Klain, S., Levine, J., Mach, M., Martone, R., Murray, C.C., Reckermann, J., Tam, J., Sihota, N., Singh, G. (2009). Ecosystem Services: An Approach to Sustainability at the University of British Columbia. University of British Columbia, Meeting on New Campus Sustainability Plan.
  103. Chamberlain, B. and Meitner, M. (2008). Visual aesthetics and forest harvest design: an automated approach. ESRI International User’s Conference. San Diego, CA.
  104. Ribeiro, C., Meitner, M. and Chamberlain, B. (2007). Delineating Permanent Preservation Areas in Brazil. In Proceedings, 2007 GIS in the Rockies Conference, September 2007, Denver, CO.
  105. Chamberlain, B.; Meitner, M., and Haider, W. (2006). The effects of surrounding landscape character on an individual’s community preferences. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vancouver, BC, June 2006.
  106. Meitner, M., Gandy, R. Welham, C., Gonzalez, J. and Chamberlain, B. (2006). Visualizing natural disturbances: implications for assessing public perceptions of salvage and recovery operations. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vancouver, BC, June 2006.
  107. Chamberlain, B. and Meitner, M. (2006). Designing Variable Retention Using Harvest and Retention Planner (HaRP). ESRI International User’s Conference. San Diego, CA
  108. Ribeiro, C., Meitner, M. and Chamberlain, B. (2006).Towards a digital atlas of permanent preservation forest areas for the Brazilian Amazon. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vancouver, BC, June 2006.
  109. Chamberlain, B., Larsen, B. and Lee, C. (2001). E-Commerce & Technology Management Center: Bridging PLU and the Internet Economy. What’s in IT for you, PLU School of Business Conference on Information Technology, Tacoma, WA, November 28, 2001.